Louisa Wolf (she/her)
is based in Rotterdam, Netherlands.
Hello, hallo, hoi!

Designing as Studio Loba
Playing as Polarwolf
With whywhynot.space
View my CV

Graphic and Editorial Design
Graduation Catalogue
Design Academy Eindhoven, 2023

Buy here
Catalogue Project Leader: Stijn van der Vlauten
Editorial and Design Team:  whywhynot collective
(Felix Bell, Léa Cadieux, Gaia D’Arrigo, Hannah Kansy, Nick Monro-Meares, Sebastian Quijada Link, Julia Urreaga Aizarna, Louisa Wolf)
Contributers: Prof. Naomie Bueno de Mesquita
Production: Trudy Dorrepaal
Printing and Lithography: Burogorm
Binding: Patist
Catalogue Images: Ronald Smith